Loan Rates


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Auto and Recreational Vehicle***

YearTermRates As Low AsAPR* As Low As
2022-202572 Months6.74%6.909%
2022-202560 Months6.49%6.689%
2022-202548 Months6.24%6.485%
2022-202536 Months5.99%6.310%
2017-202172 Months7.74%7.911%
2017-202160 Months7.24%7.440%
2017-202148 Months6.99%7.236%
2017-202136 Months6.74%7.061%
2011-201660 Months8.99%9.194%
2011-201648 Months8.49%8.739%
2011-201636 Months8.24%8.564%
2011-201624 Months7.99%8.463%
2010 & Older36 Months10.99%11.320%
2010 & Older24 Months10.49%10.967%
Effective Date: January 2, 2025

All of Peru Federal Savings Bank's Consumer Loan Rates are Risk-Based. Adjustments may be made to the rates listed above based on the customers loan to value & credit scores from the Credit Agencies.

***Recreational Vehicle Rates are 1.50% over Auto Rates listed

*APR= Annual Percentage Rate. Loan APR calculations based on loan amount of $20,000 and include a $95 document preparation as a prepaid finance charge.

**Loan amount up to dealer invoice for new vehicles and NADA clean trade for used vehicles. Borrowers must meet income standards and other underwriting standards. A $20,000 auto loan for 60 months at 6.49% has a payment of $391.23 and the APR is 6.689%. A $20,000 auto loan for 72 months at 6.74% has a payment of $338.49 and the APR is 6.909%. Rates are subject to change at any time.


Personal Loan

Loan TypeRateAPR*
Unsecured < $2,00015.00%18.79%
Unsecured > $2,00015.00%16.52%
Share Loans2.00% Over Deposit RateUp to 100% Actual Value
Effective Date: January 1, 2024

*APR= Annual Percentage Rate. Loan APR calculations based on loan amount of $2,000 & $5,000 and interest rate of 15% for 24 months and included $95 document preparation as a prepaid finance charge.

Rates subject to change at any time.